When used in aromatherapy, citronella essential oil can uplift negative moods and relax the body or mind. The oil can be helpful in treating feelings of anxiety, can relieve feelings of nausea, and may even assist in warding off colds or fevers when inhaled.
To use citronella oil in your diffuser, you will need to add between three and six drops into a small amount of distilled water. The more drops you use, the stronger the scent will be. Citronella can be blended with lemon or lavender for a more deeply calming experience.
Diffuse citronella in the morning to create a positive outlook for the day or keep it next to you as you unwind in the evenings. You can also use it any time you need uplifting or help chasing away negative thoughts. The aroma can relax your mind and assist in putting you in a more positive headspace.